Thursday, June 7, 2012

Breaking Records


Will the Avengers be the biggest and best movie of 2012?  So far it's breaking records left and right and is getting very high reviews from movie critics.   
The Avengers is based on comic book characters and brings them together in one movie.  Nick Fury and Black Widow recruit a super team which includes Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk, and Thor to fight the evil Loki who brainwashes Hawkeye and steals a cosmic cube from the underground.  Loki makes a deal with aliens to fight the super heroes so he can rule the earth.

 The Avengers Current Records:
  • Biggest Opening Weekend Film in North America
  • Tied the Record for the Fastest Film to Gross $1 Billion Worldwide
  • Third Highest-Grossing Film

 The Avengers Cast:
  • Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Shark/Iron Man
  • Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America
  • Mark Ruffalo as Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk
  • Chris Hemsworth as Thor
  • Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
  • Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye
  • Tom Hiddleston as Loki
  • Clark Gregg as Phil Coulson
  • Cobie Smulders as Maria Hill
  • Stellan Skarsgard as Dr. Erik Selvig
  • Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury

The Avengers is based on comic book characters which produced a large audience following.  The Avengers did a very good job promoting their movie through social media outlets.  In January 2012 a live twitter chat event was held to bring buzz about the movie and the release date in April. 

The Avengers Big Numbers:

  • Has Earned in Total $1,363,714,486 worldwide as of June 3, 2012
  • $557,214,486 in North America
  • $806,500,000 in Other Countries
  • It only took 12 days to cover the estimated $220 million dollar production costs

I have to say The Avengers was not my first choice movie to go see but sometimes we have to compromise for the ones we love.  There was a lot of movie buzz about The Avengers so I wanted to see if it was a truly good movie.   I am not a big comic book fan however I went to see the movie with a positive attitude.  I have to say this movie definitely kept my attention because there were a lot of super heroes and a lot of action throughout the movie.  Is this the best movie I have every scene, I would have to say no.  I prefer Batman Movies over The Avengers, just saying!   

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